OBJECTIVE:  The object of Monopoly is to send every other player into bankruptcy or become the wealthiest player through buying, renting, and selling property.

NUMBER OF PLAYERS: 2-8 players

MATERIALS: Card, deed, dice, house and hotels, money and monopoly board

TYPE OF GAME: Strategy Board Game
AUDIENCE: Older kids and adults


The earliest known version of Monopoly, dubbed The Landlord’s Game, was designed by American Elizabeth Magie. It was first patented in 1904 but existed at least 2 years prior. Magie, who was a follower of Henry George, an American political economist, initially aimed for The Landlord’s Game to illustrate the fiscal consequences of Ricardo’s Law of Economic rent as well as Georgist concepts of economic privilege including land value taxation.

Following 1904, a slew of board games were created which featured the central concept of buying and selling land. In 1933, the Parker Brothers Monopoly board game had a very similar rival, which employed the same concepts as the original. Historically, the East coast and the Midwest have contributed to the evolution of the game.

Elizabeth Magie remains largely uncredited for her invention of the game and for many decades it was accepted that Charles Darrow, who sold the game to Parker Brother’s, was the creator.


To begin, place the board on a table with the chance and community chest cars face-down in their respective spaces. Each player chooses a token to represent themselves on the board.

The players are given $1500 divided into: $500s, $100 and $50; 6 $40~; 5 each of $105, $5~ and $1s. The remaining money and other equipment will go to the bank. Stock the bank’s money on the edge of the compartments in the plastic banker tray.


Select a player as the banker who makes a good auctioneer. The Banker must keep their personal funds separated from the Bank’s funds. But if there are five players in the game, the Banker may elect one person who will act as auctioneer.

In addition to the bank’s money, the bank also holds the title deed cards, and the houses and hotels prior to player purchase. The bank pays salaries and bonuses. It also sells and auctions properties, while handing out the proper title deed cards. The bank loans money required for mortgages. The bank collects taxes, fines, loans and interests, as well as assess the price of a property. The bank never goes “broke,” the banker may issue more money by writing on ordinary slips of paper.먹튀검증사이트


To start the game, beginning with the banker, each player takes turns rolling the dice. The player who gets the highest total starts the game. The player places their token on the corner marked “go”, then throws the dice. The dice will be the indicator how many spaces to move their token in the direction of the arrow on the board. After the player completes the play, the turn moves to the left. The tokens remain on the spaces occupied and proceed from that point on the player’s next turn. Two tokens may occupy the same space at a single time.

Depending upon the space your tokens lands you may have the opportunity to buy property or you may be required to pay rent, taxes, draw a chance or community chest card, or even Go To Jail. If you throw doubles you may move your token normally, the sum of the two die. Retain the dice and throw again. Players must move their token immediately to the space marked “In Jail” if the players throw doubles three times in succession.

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